- a blog about food and value

Best crackers ever

krackawheatWhen I posted last week about my favourite branded food, I forgot one of the best of all: McVities’ Krackawheat.  These crackers are a simple but brilliant combination of rye wheat and grains of salt, and they kick the nads off much fancier and more expensive crackers.  They used to be produced by Jacobs, and they were even better then – the new McVities version are a little less salty and tasty, but still very good.

They pair beautifully with Dubliner Cheese, which has grains of sea salt throughout, making it a salty taste sensation. Hmm. Maybe I should save money and effort and just buy one of those salt licks that they give to horses?

Anyway! Krackawheat are currently on sale in Lidl for only 99c a pack.


  1. oh i used to love these … i am getting them the next time i’m in lidl … thanks for the tipoff !

  2. Yes I use to love them too.. I haven’t seen them around in a long time.. Must pick up a pack next time I’m passing lidl..