- a blog about food and value


  1. This sounds good Peter…one thing though, I noticed that the rice and noodles are pre-cooked? I’m a bit grossed out by pre-cooked noodles, they’re so claggy…were these ones ok?

  2. I put this in my basket last week and walked around doing the rest of my shopping – and at the last minute I put it back – sure that it couldn’t be good! Glad to know it’s worth a try.

    But, I agree, the “protein” portion looked a bit weak. I want to eat a meal that fills me up!


  3. The rice was particularly good and really easy to heat. I just added it and stirred. Can’t speak for the noodles but I’d be surprised if they’re not lovely too: I reckon M&S would be unlikely to put over-starchy, claggy noodles on the shelf.

  4. I looked at this in M&S the other day, and while the sauces look good, I’m a bit dubious about the rice and noodles. The individual price of the (precooked) rice is €3 for about 300g – as you say above, they’re much too high so it’s not really that much of a bargain to get them all for €9. The veg selections did look really good though.