- a blog about food and value

The Tuesday Tip: Save Money and Store Correctly

vegetablesThere are some great deals on vegetables and fruit at the moment. But what’s the point in stocking up if you don’t know how to store them properly? I use to shove all my fruit and vegetables in the fridge and then moan a few days later when some were rotten. Well, there is a proper way to store them that will save you money in the long run.

Vegetables stored in the fridge:

Broccoli, carrots, peas, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, celery, asparagus, radishes, artichokes, peppers, cauliflower, squash, fennel, leeks, scallions, cucumbers, kale, beets and parsnips. (Stored in a plastic bag or in the crisper).

Spinach, lettuce, chilies, green beans and ginger. (Wrap in dry paper towel and store in plastic bags or in the crisper).

Mushrooms, aubergine (Paper bags).

Fruit stored in the fridge:

Apples and most ripe fruit (Unwrapped).

Cherries (Stored in a plastic bags or in the crisper).

Grapes (In vented bag).

Vegetables stored in a cool dry place:

Onions, potatoes, garlic and sweet potatoes (In an open paper bag or basket).

Fruit stored in a cool dry place:

Tomatoes, pears, melon, kiwis, pineapple and stone fruit including peaches, plums, apricots, etc. (Room temperature and out of direct sunlight in a bowl or basket).

Keep bananas out of fridge and away from already-ripe fruit.

Handy tips:

Many types of fruit emit ethylene gas, which can accelerate the ripening of nearby produce so keep fruits and vegetables separate. That’s why there are two crispers in most refrigerators.

Add an apple or banana to a paper sack of fruit to speed ripening and keep them away if you want your other fruit to ripen slowly.

If you constantly put a new paper towel in the bottom of the crisper, it’s going to remove the excess moisture.


  1. Good tips. I buy mostly organic fruits and vegs and these tend to go off faster. I store soft fruits like plums and grapes in the fridge on a plate, they keep for longer. Just remember to bring them to room temperature before eating. Also, potatoes stored in a paper bag in the fridge do not sprout so much. I also use the towel (but a tea towel, not a paper one) at the bottom of the crisper drawers, it works very well.
    For fruits that have a short season, freezing is a great way of enjoying them for longer. Just remember to freeze them on a single layer (eg on a tray) and put them in a bag once frozen.

  2. Berries freeze very well, as does pineapple. When you cut it open, freeze the rest in chunks: defrost before eating or blitz while frozen in a smoothie.

  3. I didn’t know you can freeze fruit with the exception of berries, that’s handy to know. What sort of fruit?

  4. bananas freeze well for smoothies or banana bread, melon also freezes well just remove the skin and pips. Fruits with stones freeze well for smoothies or sorbets once the stones have been removed.

  5. Do you peel the banana to freeze? Or just bung in the freezer? That would be handy to know – we always have either loads or no bananas!

  6. wrap banana , skin and all in tin foil and bung into freezero