- a blog about food and value


  1. I’m running out the door in search of pumpkins are I type, sounds amazing. Have you ever tried the tinned pumpkin? I’m told it’s better for pies than making your own…

  2. Is the pumpkin mashed/blended before being added to the other ingredients or does this happen as a result of cooking anways?

  3. Hey Brian, the process of roasting the pumpkin will make it very soft and then it will smooth easily once added to the ingredients. Should it not, just blitz it for a couple of seconds before adding other ingredients.

  4. Hey Ciara, I haven’t tried the tinned pumpkin but I’m sure it works just as well for cheese cake as the pumpkin flesh. I haven’t seen it for sale though.

  5. I have a pumpkin on my counter and want to try this recipe. But… 90 mins… is that right?

  6. OK – here’s the result –

    Absolutely delicious – thanks for the recipe.