- a blog about food and value


  1. I know it’s not the best shop, but I always had good luck finding dried beans – including black beans, kidney beans, cannellini beans, chick peas, etc. – in Tesco. They’re usually in the aisle with tinned soups and beans (Tesco has multiple “whole food” / “health food” sections) and there’s usually a good selection of grains (bulgur, quinoa, couscous, wild rice, etc.) there as well.

    Otherwise, check Asia Market — I don’t think I ever found dried black beans there, but they have almost every other bean imaginable!

  2. The Asian Food Co. on Mary St in Dublin has a great selection of grains and pulses too, both dried and tinned.

  3. The Mediterranean shop on Thomas St beside Vicar Street sells tins of black beans for 99cs. Great shop with great selection of all sorts of tinned and dry pulses.