- a blog about food and value


  1. Sounds very interesting – must keep an eye out (though its not something ive seen in any supermarket) and try it some time! What sort of flavour does it have?

  2. Never had black rice but I’ve had black pasta – squid ink dyed…

    for the rice, does it cook? You know the way brown rice remains chewy, what happens with black rice??

  3. Hi folks – black rice is also chewy when cooked but is a bit more tender than brown rice. It’s very hard to describe the flavour as it’s quite complex, but I can give you ‘rich’, ‘purplish’ and ‘slightly nutty’ 🙂 It’s tasty.

  4. its mostly known as wild rice and its actually a variety of grass!

    I find it best to combine small amounts with basmati, it looks great on the plate and you get that nutty flavour.