- a blog about food and value


  1. Just so you know, I clicked the link in the 2nd last paragraph and it brought me to the Aldi website.

  2. Oops! Thanks Michelle, fixed now. I appreciate the heads up 🙂

  3. good that you brought no attention to their 1.99 chicken!!!. the fuckin wrapper most have cost more

  4. “Mexican food . . . can be quite samey”?
    Forgive me for having a little chuckle over such a terribly wrong statement. For if you only knew: Mexican food is just as diverse and as complex as Chinese, and yes, just as delicious.
    One tortilla chip does not Mexican food make.
    “A Little Cup of Mexican Hot Chocolate”

  5. Hi Clementina. I think you’re more than fair for only having a chuckle at me. I deserve a clip on the ear for my PIG pig-ignorance. I guess I’ve been referring to Tex-Mex rather than authentic Mexican food. Tex-Mex, as a few of my friends have pointed out to me, is all fajita, enchilada, burrito – things wrapped in bread. I guess genuine Mexican restaurants are a rarity in Ireland? Lovely blog you have by the way, I stand corrected, humbly apologise, and looking forward to trying out some of your recipes.