- a blog about food and value


  1. The Eastern Seaboard Bar & Grill in Drogheda are running a Thanksgiving menu this weekend – more info on their Facebook page.

  2. I believe The Wild Onion in Limerick does Thanksgiving too.

    For those of us celebrating at home, Fallon & Byrne has Libby’s pumkin as does

    Can’t wait! Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  3. I’ve just moved from Ireland to America and I’m VERY excited about Thanksgiving. The Food Network is my new favourite thing and they cook a turkey on there about every 40 seconds. Due to my lack of mad cooking skillz, I won’t be cooking myself but I will be eating A LOT and taking pictures too. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I know that the Cornmarket in Limerick and Cork have done Thanksgiving for the last few years – but I think they did it a week early.

    Cooking my first ever Thanksgiving dinner this weekend, complete with home grown bronze turkey that is due for the chop any day now. Not sure if he would agree with the Thanksgiving concept!

  5. I’m so disappointed. The 2 restuarants in dublin that serve a TG dinner are booked out. I thought there would be more choices! I have just moved back from Colorado after 30 yrs with my 15yr old son. Maybe we will go out for fish and chips and be thankful and be more prepared next year… Happy TG Nuala