- a blog about food and value

Fancy lunches, accidentally cheap: Bon Appetit and Peploe’s


  1. You do know how foie gras is produced, don’t you?

  2. Sounds fabulous, but I would never give restaurant vouchers as presents. If the restaurant goes belly up the voucher is worthless.

  3. Unfortunately I agree with Claire — I made the mistake of giving a 100 euro voucher to the old Locks restaurant as a wedding gift — the place went belly up the month after. Nice of them to have warned me — like throwing money away. 🙁

  4. But if you get a voucher, go and eat there rightaway.

  5. That is the great thing about getting a voucher from one of these websites like Groupon or even menupages as your contract is with them, not the restaurant, and if it goes out of business you still get your money back.