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Leo Burdock’s, Ireland’s Original Chipper

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Safe to buy provigil online in the U.S., and as of Feb. 20, Modafinil australia where to buy the drug's FDA warning letter was still intact, with no withdrawal letter or other reason to know end access. "There hasn't been an explanation given for why Provigil has to be continued." — Dr. Bruce Lahn, medical director, NAMI Center for Addictions, Virginia Beach. "I can't understand why we continue to supply this substance, not knowing the details of any new dangers, and with the FDA having not issued a warning letter," Dr. Bruce Lahn, the medical director of NAMI's Center for Alcohol and Drug Addiction in Virginia Beach, said this week in a phone interview. The FDA is expected to release an updated warning letter soon. Lahn said he's worried it will take several to ten years before manufacturers could reestablish a supply of Provigil, the only FDA-approved medication for treating excessive sleepiness (DOS). There's been no public announcement by any drug company about halting supply of Provigil. NAMI, which started looking into Provigil last year, is continuing to make calls since Nov. 30 and has only received a handful of responses from manufacturers. "There hasn't been an explanation given for why Provigil has to be continued, and I don't understand why — especially since consumers have been able to import the drug from Canada," added Tami Vickers, medical director of NAMI's Alcohol and Drug Addiction Program. "There's been none of any explanation." What happened to Provigil's temporary suspension? Provigil was put on restricted use in Canada from 2009 to 2011 as a way help with excessive sleepiness. In 2012, the FDA required that Provigil receive more research before it the same approval for U.S. market. The drug gained FDA approval for the U.S. in 2013. Some doctors began to prescribe it off-label, for off-label uses. After a couple of years, Provigil started making its way into the illicit drug market, according to a recent report on drug purity from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. In 2013, nearly 5,000 doctors 12 U.S. states reported prescribing Provigil to teens. "The market for high strength Provigil has grown quickly and is highly competitive among vendors," the FDA warned last year. most popular method of delivery is a pill called Adderall XR. Provigil cost $1.69 with prescriptions but can be purchased as a generic. It is not uncommon for buy provigil online credit card medications to enter buy genuine provigil online the illegal drug market with no changes made to make them safer, and that Provigil is no exception. "I've been really surprised that Provigil can be purchased online, for example, as a pain medication, an antianxiety medication — without any sort of caution being taken," Lahn said. "They could have taken out the strong warnings around side effects." Provigil is still the most recommended medication for adult patients with chronic sleepiness or narcolepsy that doesn't respond to other pharmaceutical drugs. Many say it has a variety of benefits, including the ability to cope with more intense physical activity, help cope with pain and manage fatigue. "NAMI is pleased that FDA has finally taken some action on excessive sleepiness in adults and has called for the FDA to suspend all approvals for Provigil adults," according to a statement from NAMI. "NAMI calls on the FDA to stop processing drugs and ban Provigil completely." In the meantime, NAMI has established an emergency program in Virginia Beach that will provide free help to people suffering excessive sleepiness. "We're drugstore $5 coupon doing that out of concern for the public, to alert them alternatives using Provigil," Lahn said. "It's important so that people who are using it at a higher dose don't harm themselves, that people who are consuming it in a higher dose don't end up in emergency rooms."
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  1. sorry but lennoxs on barrack street in cork is the best chipper in the world.
    no comparison 😉

  2. I would second that – best cheese and onion pie and curry chips EVER!

  3. Peter,

    What’s the difference between oil and fat? I thought they were synonyms.

    Are you saying Burdocks cook their chips in animal fat (lard; strong meaty taste and less healthy)?

  4. I think what Peter the Great means is that the people that serve you in Burdocks are fat. So when he said, ‘Their fish and chips are cooked in fat,’ he meant, ‘Their fish and chips are cooked by fat.’

  5. You can’t bate Leo’s. I might have to go there tonight now.

  6. Yep, they’re cooked in animal fat. That’s what I meant when I said gloriously unhealthy. The day Burdock’s switches to vegetable oil will be the day they die to me.

    Surprisingly, their fish and chips don’t have a strong meaty taste, and very few people ever notice the cooking oil. Just make sure that Burdock’s is only a VERY occasional treat.

    Sorry, should have made that clearer: I’ve changed the article to reflect this. Oh, that I could make alterations post-publication to printed articles that I write!

  7. Clearly Peter hasn’t made it down to Galway where McDonagh’s on Quay Street serve the best fish & chips in the country. In fact McDonagh’s won the “Best bag of chips Award 2007” as judged by Brenda Donoghue on the RTE Mooney show. Game over!

  8. Fiona .. McDonaghs are a close second to Lennoxs indeed .. they kept me alive during many a Galway races weeks ..

    Trade Winds in Arklow would be my number 3 … oooh lord I am hungry now ..

  9. chips should be cooked in beef dripping. adds enourmously to the flavour much like using goose or duck fat does for roast potatoes. i have yet to eat in a chipper that still uses it though… anybody know of such a place?

  10. may be impossible, but I need a simple battered cod recipe ala burdocks…or any irish cod mix.Would love to have it here in the us.restaurants here make so much bank trying but never really make the’s such a rip off.and I wanna make it at home.Any sugesstions people?

  11. im here in los angeles bty.far removed from christ church or pearse street for that matter.or howth(think there may be a burdocks there0After being here for 24 years I really wanna have a go at it myself at home….though I’m sure it’ll suck the first few times.Please e-mail me with any info…

  12. I’ve been in Dublin for 2.5 years now and I miss Cork chips. Bartie’s in Ballyphehane was my favourite, closely followed by Lennox’s on Bandon Road and KC’s in Douglas. Dublin chips just aren’t the same (and I don’t know why). But Burdock’s are the closest and best that I’ve found in the capital.

  13. Why are people looking at this as a competition between chip shops when that is not what is being discussed at all. I mean I love McDonagh’s in Galway as much as Burdocks but commenting that “McDonagh’s won the “Best bag of chips Award 2007″ as judged by Brenda Donoghue on the RTE Mooney show” simply switched me off it completely!

  14. I think Peter threw down the gauntlet when he opened his review by saying that anyone who questions the greatness of Burdocks is talking waffle. He’s a notorious troublemaker.

    I’d imagine the quoting of Brenda Donoghue was tongue-in-cheek. Although maybe the commenter is a big fan of that particular style of broadcasting: your Mammy’s annoying friend who never shuts up.


  16. i have never tasted leos fish and chips but iam a big fan of fish and chips

  17. Mc Donaghs in galway is over rated. they seem to be resting on their laurels. The kettle of fish on cross street is a much better chipper

  18. I don’t think Leo Burdock’s is quality at all (well, maybe comparatively!). Since coming back here from London I have tried in vain to find a quality gourmet fish and chip shop in Dublin. In the UK the really great take away ones (such as the Sea Shell in London or our local Masters Superfish or Ollie’s) would only ever cook in groundnut oil and use the best quality cuts of fish, not just the freshest – the result is a world apart from the sad offerings we have to put up with in Dublin. I actually think Beshoff’s is better than Leo Burdock’s (they cook in ground nut oil) – their fish is reasonably fresh tasting too – really the closest to quality in Dublin. If we were in Kinsale we would have the joys of Fishy Fishy, deserved winners of the Michelin cheap eats award – although in fairness they are not strictly a chippy.

  19. Mitch, you’ll be thrilled to hear that fishy fish have a chipper too.

  20. ‘Burdock’s fish is always properly fresh, having been picked up from the market earlier that day. If you go there late in the evening, you may find that the fish is all gone – they don’t keep any in the freezer. When the fresh fish is gone, it’s gone.The lemon sole goujons at Burdock’s may the most wonderful fish you will ever eat.’

    This is rubbish. While it may have been the case in a bygone era the fish is frozen and the lemon sole is caught in North Vietnam