- a blog about food and value

Pee for Free!

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TOILETS ARE FOR CUSTOMER USE ONLY is definitely one of my least favourite signs. Worse still are public toilets that make you literally spend a penny, as in pay to piss.

But for now I will focus on the policy itself rather than having to pay. I am wholeheartedly against this policy in all its forms and believe the law should be changed to make all establishments obliged to allow the public to use the toilet.

This is something I have campaigned for years now but a recent experience has put it back at the forefront of my mind along with “why sometimes dogs are brown” and fried chicken.

Strolling down Cow’s Lane in Dublin’s Temple Bar, I popped into a café called Cha Cha Cha. I asked the waitress if I could use the bathroom. She said “yes” and pointed up the stairs. As I was about to enter the toilet the waitress ran up behind me to tell me that actually, “TOILETS ARE FOR CUSTOMER USE ONLY”. I said, “OK but I’m here now so maybe you should let this one go,” and proceeded to enter the toilet. The waiter’s supervisor came up afterwards and ordered me to get out of the toilet. I told him what I had told the waitress and also that I found his behaviour extremely rude considering I was already in the toilet.

I left Cha Cha Cha and walked immediately next door to the Queen of Tarts. I asked to use the toilet. The waitress smiled and said “of course”.

Now I understand why places have customer only policies. Staff shouldn’t have to clean up after random folk off the street as well as all the customers. But I think such a policy should be exercised with caution. It left a very bad taste in my mouth for Cha Cha Cha and a very good one for the Queen of Tarts (excuse the pun).

If someone is polite enough to ask a member of staff first if they can use the toilet, it is unlikely they are going to use the facility to ‘cook up’ or smear shit all over the walls.

What do you think?


  1. This post is very unfair and nothing to do with this blog.
    Shame on for letting this be posted

  2. Unfair? How? As well as “cheap eats”, publishes various topical articles about eating out and eating in – a few weeks ago, for example, we wrote about table manners. Going to the toilet in a restaurant or pub is completely relevant. And Snack Box is legitimately entitled to express his opinion.

    If Cha Cha Cha or other restaurants disagree, they are perfectly free to leave a comment here. It is, after all, an open forum. With respect, I reject your shaming.

  3. Snack Box I can’t believe someone followed you to the toilets to hunt you out! That’s pretty despicable by any standards. I don’t really mind paying 20c to use a public convenience if it means that it’s going to be clean and sanitary. They’re usually the ones that have attendants. Once on the Champs Elysees I had to fork out €1.50 to use the ladies and once inside I had to queue for a stall! That was a flippin’ rip off if ever there was one.

  4. How sad have Irish People become that the subjest of were to “Pee for Free” has become a valid subject matter.

    Get a life people.

  5. Kevin, people discuss all kinds of frivolities online. How sad that you can’t spell, or construct a sentence. Cheers for your very useful instruction. We’ll all duly rush out and get said lives. Perhaps you could let us know where to find them?

  6. Jack and Kevin, I think this is both relevant and interesting subject matter for what is essentially a food-based consumer affairs blog. If you don’t like it, I’ll come and piss on your doorstep. Where do you both live?

  7. What annoys me most is when restaurants or pubs charge their own customers to use the toilets. I can understand why you have to pay 20 cents to go use public lavatories, but in restaurants? I hate it when pubs have an attendant who hands you the paper towels and ask if you want some soap. I can do it myself, thanks!
    Having said that, I come from France, where public toilets are difficult to find and they charge you up to 50 cents. I think Ireland is great for that, you find public lavatories everywhere and in department stores you won’t be charged and they are CLEAN!

  8. You had a perfectly legitimate subject for an article the fact that you were followed into the toilet and told to leave as you were not a customer. This was pointless and unnecessary by the staff in question.
    But why question the reason pubs and restaurants have a customer only policy. These premises pay water rates to the council, not to mention the cost involved in stocking and cleaning the bathrooms.

    What will be next in your topic of mooching?

    Where can one charge their mobile for free??
    Where can you get a free glass of water??

    I understand the fact you were upset by this restaurants rude and uncomprising service. That is were you focus should have been, but this article seems to embody the sense of entitlement that has become all too prevelant in our society.

  9. Orlaith, you will be relieved to know that Sarkozy has made all public loos in Paris free of charge and they are spotless.

    Kevin, Jack, its only a blog. Get over yourselves.

  10. A timely subject. Just yesterday I had a bite to eat in British Home Stores Coffee Shop in Belfast. Their toilets were unavailable due to the old “vandalism” ruse. The number of times I have come across this excuse by establishments are too numerous to mention.
    I ventured further into the BHS department store proper with the intention of using their facilities but the restuauraunt was closed and, surprise, so too were their toilets.
    I returned to the coffee shop and requested to speak to the manager. Bottom line, I was told there was a McDonalds up the street!! But I didn’t eat in McDonalds, Mrs , but she was unrelenting because her toilets were being repaired due to vandalism and she had nothing to do with the restauraunt upstairs closing their toilets. She was adamant that the appropiate environmental health agency was aware of the situation and that it was perfectly legal for BHS to sell food and drink to the public without providing toilets and/or washing facilities in the year of our lord 2009. Huh?
    I ended up in nearby Dunnes store which cost me 10p which was ok because it was clean and not, a-herm, vandalised so I could have a shat in peace and quiet.
    I thought it was a human right to be provided with toilet facilities in restauraunts, department stores and other buildings where large numbers of people congregate.

    Obviously not in the minds of some.

  11. I first heard about this “toilets for customer use only” when backpacking through first Scotland and then Ireland. I always found it quite irritating as it is “nature’s call”. Being Austrian and all, I found it very upsetting. In Austria, there are 2 things restaurant can’t refuse you or charge you for as these things are necessities: (1) a glass of water and (2) use the bathroom. Before backpacking, I thought that this is “normal”. Anyways, you kind of get used to this and just plan your ways around town bearing in mind where the next Burger King or MacD is since I still haven’t found one public toilet in Dublin (and I live here now for 4 years!).

  12. Sabine, theres a great loo in BTs.

  13. I used to use the toilets in hotels normally as they’re clean and you don’t have to ask anyone!!

    Shame on ‘cha cha cha’!!!

  14. You’re way too polite. Just wander in. If they really don’t want you there, say you’re really thursty and “buy” a glass of tap water when you’re done.

  15. I just returned to the States from a two week visit to Dublin. I usually go there at least once a year to visit my in laws. I can say that I have come to hate this sign as well, however I could probably map my way around Dublin based on publin bathrooms! It’s pretty sad but I know where to go know when I’m out and about in town. The only place I’ve had to pay is in the Bus Station and I’ve never felt dirtier than after that experience, even my husband complained about it.

  16. Megan, I think thats a girl thing to be honest. Im the same in most cities Im familiar with as well as roads. The best public loos Ive ever seen are in Bryant Park New York, absolutely stunning.

  17. The same thing happened me on Clare Island, Co. Mayo a few weeks ago. I was in the Harbour area and I was just after a really long walk around the island. I went into the local cafe (there is only one in the harbour area) and asked if I could use the toilet. They said no it’s for customers use only. I said “can I buy a scone please?” as I saw a pile of scones behind the girl. They said “no we are closed you have to walk to the comunity centre” It really annoyed me.

  18. I think this is a very valid blog post!
    But I also think that pubs and restaurants are well within their rights to only provide toilets for paying customers. Desperate for a pee on the way to Slane, our bus stopped outside a roadside restaurant that was charging non customers €1 a pop to use the facilities and I thought that this was deadly. We were politely directed into a fast-moving and well-managed queue, the toilets were constantly cleaned and restocked with tissue and I call that €1 well spent. Why should a nice restaurant in a busy city centre allow every Tom, Dick and Harry to March through their premises and possibly leave a mess without so much as buying a drink?

  19. A bus load of concert goers is an exceptional case though Sarah.

  20. I agree with you Sarah. But I also think that it is a basic human necessity, which, correct me if I’m wrong, can do serious damage to a woman if they have to hold it in for too long. As such I think the milk of human kindness should flow freely from the proprietors of bars, cafes and restaurants.

  21. Maybe the milk of human kindness would flow a little more freely if people didn’t do awful things in toilets! Of course, I regularly use the facilities of pubs around Dublin without buying anything when I really have to go, but I defo feel guilty about if afterwards as I wouldn’t have contributed anything to the cost of cleaning, toilet tissue or soap that I’d used. Anyone have any tips? Bruxelles is a winner as you simply walk down the stairs and not through the pub. BTs is perfect too, although it’s quite a trek.

  22. I cant believe no one has mentioned a McS*it with Lies!

  23. This something that’s quite an issue for a lot of people – more specifically, for me, as I suffer quite badly with IBS and often have to rush to a bathroom with very little notice. McDonald’s often does, but I have gone into restaurants and just gone straight for the bathroom before emerging and apologising afterwards.

    I don’t think they should have a right to refuse you; as long as they keep an eye on things, what’s the harm? They cite mess, vandalism etc. but Starbucks on Dame St has a toilet that can only be accessed by a staff member (who has to let you in, which can be a waste of time) and it’s ALWAYS filthy. So what’s their excuse?

    I think we’ve all got a bit obsessed with what we’re “entitled” to instead of just going, it doesn’t hurt them, why not let people use your facilities? Can’t anybody just be nice any more?

  24. Eveyone free to pee anywhere