- a blog about food and value


  1. Some other people’s ideas have been good–free dessert or free wine for groups is great. As a student, I like student discounts or deals. I would definitely be more likely to eat at Milano’s or any other Italian restaurant that shows they appreciate the business students bring. I know we may not always be the richest customers, but there are a lot of us and we’re always ready to spend when something looks like value!

  2. I LOVE itallian food. the only thing better than eating it would be to watch it being prepared and cooked in front of me. I love to watch the chefs work their magic. I could then go home and recreate that or similar dishes for my family. Of course they would never measure up to Milano’s!

  3. Beautiful Italian food, gnochi, pasta, pizza with a little chianti … what a antidote to difficult financial times!

  4. Any deal, especially a 2 for 1 or a complimentary glass of wine…

  5. Well the best pasta in town. Deffinetally I would be dalighted to win free dinner there.

  6. 2 for 1 offers are always a favourite,

    and I think early bird specials that run reasonably late – like half 7 say – are a big attraction.

  7. Early bird deals are a big attraction to any restaurant for me.
    A nice selection of wines to go with the pasta on offer is always a plus

  8. A metre pizza! Thin as can be! Had one in Sardinia 2 years ago and have never tasted one as good since

  9. Family meal deals – expensive feeding 4 kids, family deals would entice us into eating out more!

  10. 2 for 1 deals are great, especially if they’re not limited to one per table – if 4 tables of 2 are acepptable, why not 1 table of 8?