- a blog about food and value


  1. That does sound impressive. Those meals for one are really satisfying and handy to have in the freezer.

  2. hi i would just like to say that 2.75 is quite expensive for what you bought. would could have made that for less then a quarter.

  3. Ann,

    How could you make a sandwich, drink and a packet of crisps for less than a quater of €2.75

    How do you even make a packet of crisps?

  4. M&S have been steadily getter better in value and the quality of the their food is so good.

  5. Hi Ann, thanks for the comment but I have to disagree!

    As I headed back to the office I noticed loads of places advertising “special lunch deals” such as a sandwich and coffee, for €5. M&S’s offer is waaaay more competitive than any other pre-packed sandwich I’ve ever seen – and twice as nice! 🙂

  6. Hi Ann … I see what you are saying, if you were in your own home with a loaf of bread and all the ingredients when you cost it out a sandwich would indeed be cheaper than €2.75.
    But in this case I think you have to take into account the fact that you are paying not only for the food but also for convenience and when compared with other convenient sandwiches in the same area of Dublin this does indeed seem to be good value. Especially if its also good quality and tastes nice – not a given I can assure you.
    Which is why I now try to bring my packed lunch as much as possible… but its nice to know there is value to be had.

  7. Ann,

    I think what people are trying politely to say here is that that you are a moron if you think you can make a similiar package at home for 69 cents.

  8. the sandwiches in the 2.75 offer are very basic – cheese and mayo, ham & mustard etc. If you don’t get the soft drink (which is just sugary water) then it works out less than 2.50.

    I’m not knocking the deal – its the cheapest lunch out there and M&S sandwiches are generally quite good, but not the ones in the deal IMO.

    M&S do have quite a few good deals at the moment – they have buy one, get one half-price on their excellent soup range and on their hot-cross buns which are probably the best around.

  9. Was down in henry st at lunchtime and no sign of the dine in for two offer, was dissapointed with the count on us options in the 3 for €6.50 very limited selection

  10. No Dine in for 2 in Jervis Street today at lunchtime.

  11. I agree with each and every word in this post, I always go bargain hunting in M&S and end up with nice stuff that is either cheaper than or equal to Tesco’s.
    From the top of my head, risotto rice in M&S is cheaper (in Tesco is considered speciality or something, in M&S is regular stuff) and houmous is usually very good value (its reduced to 1.99 again) and always nicer…
    Looking forward to tomorrow’s special deal, I missed it last week…

  12. Brace yourselves folks..I’m hearing whisperings that the Dinner for Two offer may not be on till Mother’s Day. I’ll contact them to find out when I get a minute.

  13. No! 🙁
    Oh well, plenty of other offers to keep us going…

  14. well mybe food here in blackpool is cheaper then where you are.