- a blog about food and value

Restaurant Review: Sufi’s

sufi'sSufi’s, like Boulevard Cafe in the same area of Dublin, is one of those places I constantly pass but never eat in.

A few weeks ago, CheapEats writer Jacqui and I popped in for a spot of dinner. We were both very impressed with the quality, value, and presentation. It’s all quite eclectic, with Lebanese, Italian, and other Mediterranean dishes sitting alongside sandwiches, paninis, and wraps.

Jacq’s Chicken Kebab (€13.50), marinated in olive oil, lemon juice, and saffron spice tasted as good as it looked.

I opted for the Bino Rice (€11.85), and it was a real treat; juicy, succulent lamb with wonderfully fresh onion, tomato, and runner beans, and a very simple but well executed side salad. I sometimes find restaurants make a mess of rice dishes, so this bodes well for other dishes on the menu.

image0147We also had two of the biggest glasses of red wine I’ve ever been served, and they were infinitely better than most house bottles. Great to sip on the terrace and watch the world pass by.

Sadly I just called to ask them how much the house red cost (ah, the things I do for you) and they were, very weirdly, extremely rude. Then they hung up. It was the kind of rude that makes you feel a bit shaken when you get off  the phone. What a shame as I found the service quite good at the time.

If you like the sounds of this very rude little gem, you’ll find them at 45-50 Lower Stephen Street, Dublin. Call them on 016798577, but maybe don’t ask them any questions.


  1. I really like Sufi’s. It’s reliable and quite cheap. And surprisingly there is always a free table (even on those December Saturday evenings!).

    The last time I went, however, the place looked quite deserted… I would like them to stay in business, so I am happy that you are spreading the word!

  2. That’s weird that they hung up on you.
    I’ve brought people there before and we always got well-looked after.

  3. Oh I love huge glasses of wine. Will defi check out Sufi’s.

    On an unrelated note, Cafe Boulevard is the single worst place I have ever experienced bad customer service in Dublin. Left waiting over 30 mins for a chicken salad, ignored by the staff, eventually got the waiter’s attention, was treated disgracefully (he ignored me and turned to my male companion even though I was the one who ordered food/called him over), left waiting another 15 minutes, still no food, ignored again. Decided to leave, complained at the deskon the way out, was laughed at and patronised. Never, ever going back there.