- a blog about food and value

Rip off “offers”

Spotted yesterday in Fresh, that overpriced convenience shop on Camden Street.

This is possibly the most misleading “offer” I’ve seen in quite some time. One litre of Dawn orange juice is priced at €2.98 in Tesco and €3.05 in Superquinn. In May 2010,  it was €2.98 in Dunnes. So what’s so special about it being “only €2.99” in Fresh?

Much as I love non-concentrated orange juice, it’s an expensive luxury in these tight times – why has the price not fallen in the past year? It’s the cheaper concentrated stuff for me now. Occasionally you can pick up two litres for €4 and freeze one of them, but this is rare enough.

Readers, please send in pics of any other laughable “offers” with the name of the shop selling the item to, and we’ll publish them on this site.


  1. Superquinn sell 1 litre own brand and Walshe’s freshly squeezed orange juice for €3 and not from concentrate for around €2. If anyone buys there oj in small convenience stores they are asking to be ripped off.

  2. That is a flashed pack so you will find the offender may indeed be Kerry Foods/Dawn and not Fresh.

  3. Rick, true, but that doesn’t justify being ripped off. The “Only €2.99” tag was a sticker – maybe it is down to Dawn Foods though I haven’t seen this in other shops.

  4. I got freshly squeezed orange juice a while back in Aldi for about €2.25 and it was YUM. Recommended. I’ll go back soon and check the brand name and exact price.

  5. The Aldi juice which is squeezed in Carlow is delicious. A good cheaper alternative is Lidl Vitafit, EUR 1.49. I don’t buy Tropicana etc. unless on special offer.

    BTW, Tayto LFC crisps (yum) 1.12 in Tesco, 2.24 in Dunnes. Pity I don’t have more time to shop around.

  6. €5 for a 25g bag of kallo branston mini rice cakes in tesco maynooth!!!will try and send the pic i took on my phone!!the price has been up for at least a month id say….its not a place i frequent but i noticed it before xmas and it was still there last sunday!

  7. Nicola, I noticed that one and also other very expensive items in Tesco Clare Hall, and I am 1000% certain they are mistakes. Like a packet of Tesco cookies for 5 euros. But when you point it to the staff, the answer is invariably “that’s the price on the computer”. Ah, if the computer says so…
    I don’t have pics, but Tesco has a few “offers” with 50% extra, like their Finest oranges, where there is no sign of an extra 50%. In the case of the oranges, there should be 6 in the net if there were any extra ones, but there are still only 4.
    Dunnes sometimes has special offers for half price products, but only some flavours in the same range. Like mini Tucs for instance. If you buy the cheese and onion, it’s half price, but not if you buy the sour cream and chives… Try as I may, I don’t get it
    Lidl always have large bright signs to point to “permanent price cuts”, and when you look in details, the cut is for 1 or 2 cents. Not even worth the sign

  8. Tesco Chicken Tikka 4.85 each, 2 for 10 euros. Looks like someone needs to sit his maths leaving cert again 🙂

  9. The answer to why NFC orange juice is rising in price: most of the oranges come from Brazil, and one big manufacturer just bought out all the competition, pushing up global commodity prices.