- a blog about food and value


  1. Ha, that’s priceless! I’d never heard of dyscalculia before but I’m pretty sure I’ve got it. Tesco have probably hoodwinked me before.

  2. OK – here’s one of mine from a while ago :

  3. Frank, I could have easily fallen for that one! Spotted 2 the other day: one for biscuits with “new lower price” was 1.49, now…. 1.49! And a box of Lir chocolates with 90c off: was 9.99, now 10.89….

  4. I’m rather obsessed with Pocky (Japanese chocolate pretzel sticks) and get them in the Asian shop by Jervis. Noticed last night that they have a 52g box for €150 and a 63g box for….€3.30! Needless to say I picked up two 52g boxes for €3….

  5. whoops that should be €1.50, not €150….pretty expensive shipping charges if that was the case!!!