- a blog about food and value

Pricewatch: Top Tips to Spend Less

Irish TimesPricewatch – one of CheapEats’ favourite newspaper columns – returns in today’s Irish Times after the summer break. Conor Pope has some great tips on how to spend less in the supermarket, including my personal favourite:

Avoid value-added stuff: Bagged salad, grated cheese and pre-chopped onions are enemies of the budget conscious and cost as much as 300 per cent more than the constituent parts beside them on the shelves.

Click here to see all tips. Also in today’s Pricewatch, there’s a great article on organic food to coincide with National Organic Food Week. Surprisingly, sales have gone up by 16% in the past year of thrift. We’ll be writing more about organic food throughout the week.

Last, Pope taste-tests cupcakes. We’ve written about cupcakes here before, and we’ll have more to say about one particularly delicious purveyor later in the week*. No, it’s not my shockingly excellent cake-baking sister – not yet anyway. She remains to be convinced that she should quit her secure day job and set up her own bakery. But I’m working on it.

*Originally planned to write about this early this week, but other posts came in. Hold your horses, cupcake fiends.


  1. The best cupcake are only available in Dublin according to the IT. They may as well have been baked by your sister peter for all the good it does the other 3.5 million people in Ireland that dont live in Dublin.

  2. The best cupcakes I have ever tasted are from a company called cupcake kisses, its a lady who prepares them homemade in Dublin, they are absolutely out of this world. I had them at my nieces christening, definatley worth a try

  3. Since I have to live on a low budget, I am always looking for ways to save money. I have written down 139 tips now on many subjects, from food shopping to keeping chickens. Feel free to have a look on my site for more tips.