- a blog about food and value


  1. Last year, the immediate females in my family got crocheted scarfs, aparently they went down pretty well. This year, it’s cookie bags for the folks i can’t afford to spend money on but still reckon are great. (though i have yet to figure out how long cookies keep…)

  2. Where are you finding figs at a price low enough to contemplate making jam with them? I only ever see them at Fallon & Byrne and the like for upwards of 50 cent a piece.

  3. Thanks for the great recipes. Can make something different this year now. Always think that presents you can eat are so much better than something that only needs to be dusted.

    I collect nice jars all year round – drives my husband crazy!!!

  4. I’ve seen figs for sale in Middle Eastern Stores around the place and they haven’t been that expensive, I’m pretty sure Spice Land in Portobello has them.