- a blog about food and value

Superquinn goes 70s

superquinn-1970sSuperquinn is not usually noted for its cheapness, but they have been running a novelty offer since October where selected items have been marked with their 1970s prices.

For 50c:

  • Jacobs Cream Crackers
  • Dairygold
  • Johnston Mooney & O’ Brien bread

For €1:

  • Kittensoft Thirst Pockets Kitchen Roll
  • Nescafe Gold Blend
  • Dubliner Cheese

According to Superquinn, customers buying all the marked-down produce will save €125.  Deals are changed frequently, but if you want to keep abreast of them you can sign up for email updates at

Big thanks to our reader Rercy for sending us details of this offer.  I see from the small print in her picture that quotas apply and customers can only buy three of each item.

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