- a blog about food and value


  1. My Fav. Health Food is Cupcakes!! (with green icing……..Green things are good for you!!)

    and my Fav Cheat Food is Cupcakes with other coloured icing! he he !!

  2. i love vegetables .. cheap healthy and colourful !

    my least favouite “healthy” food are light versions of overly processed foods .. over priced, full of rubbish and not a bit good for you …

    I would adore this cookery course … pick meeeeeee!

  3. My favourite healthy food: good ol’ fashioned, recession-beating porridge.

    My least favourite: dried raisins. they pop up in everything being all juicy and sickly sweet. can ruin a good curry.

  4. I cannot stand celery, never have, never will. I have so many faves… most vegetables and herbs… i love rocket and basil

  5. I adore peppers i put them in everything. my least favourite is Cauliflour.

  6. favourite is porriage. least favourite is wheatgrass. yuck!

  7. I have to say I HATE chick peas and beans in general but i love fruit of any kind

  8. My favorite healthy food is…salad, all kinds and shapes, but particularly salad greens and tomato – can’t live without. My least favourite would have to be beetroot, it tastes really strong and “contaminates” everything else on the plate! 🙁

  9. I looove a good old jacket potato with beans – full of energy and fibre. Served with a good hearty salad.

    I can’t stand porridge though!!!! Or Brussel Sprouts!!!

  10. Hi,

    One of my favourite foods is salmon, it is can be cooked in lots of different ways to make it an interesting meal time and time again.

    My least favourite food would be artichokes as I find them very difficult to digest. 🙁

  11. Favourite: Honey. It has got loads of benefits and its one of the only foods that never goes off. (Is that really true?)
    Least favourite: Rice crackers. Are they ‘healthy’? Has anyone ever eaten a whole one? Ha ha if you did. Why?

  12. My favourite is spinach, tasty in salads goes with anything. Least favourite is broccoli, just never liked it!

  13. My favourite healthy food has to be garlic, and my least favourite is yogurt ! never developed a taste for it.
    Hope I win …………..

  14. My favourite is…. dark, bitter chocolate. Full of magnesium and other goodies
    My least favourite is cooked tomatoes. I know they contain lycophen, but I just can’t stand them

  15. My favourite healthy food would be good old fashioned cabbage or any green vegetable really. My least favourite is tofu, no matter what i do with it, it just ends up tasting wrong!

  16. Favorite healthy food: Celery; its chunky and you can dip it in anything.

    Least Favorite: Porridge; just hate the stuff!

  17. My favourite is all types of beans especial kidney beans, yum yum
    My least favourite is dried fruit, yuck

  18. Broccoli and spinach are my faves – raw or cooked, they are so versatile. Brussels sprouts are my least favourite – there’s no salvaging them in my opinion.

  19. fav is beans/ chickpeas/ and lentils
    Absolutely hate cabbage and celery – tried the cabbage soup diet once – worse week of my life!

  20. Spinach would be my tops, raw in a salad or cooked up with Salmon or mixed with pasta & ricotta cheese. Least Favourite- Beans, it’s the juice that gets me!

  21. Oooh- favourite- fish
    Least favourite – overcooked fish!
    So little in it…

  22. I love sunflower seeds, i keep finding new ways of eating them, most recently – putting them into yogurt. Put them in salads, brown bread, stir fries or as a healthy snack at the desk in work 🙂
    I hate porridge. Wished I liked it but I think been force fed it as a child has put me off for life 🙁

  23. garlic and herb cream cheese, probably not healthy for you in these quantities, but i suppose im not eating butter for a change…

  24. Dark chocolate counts as healthy, right? Well I also love peppers, red, orange and yellow, not green, and carrotts with humous!

  25. Someone else said it, but having some fresh vegetables on hand is the key… lots of options from there.

  26. favourite healthy food: Spinach. I love it with everything,
    Least favourite healthy food: tomatoes – make me gag!

  27. My favorite healthy food are Nutritional Yeast Flakes, they opened me up to a whole bunch of new possabilities for cooking.

    I hate hate hate anything dairy, both from an ethical and that horrible feeling it leaves in my stomach feeling. Plus, I don’t really think that it’s that healthy for you anways!

  28. I absolutely adore all types of nuts, muesli, seeds they are delicious and simply so healthy it’s a joy to eat them knowing you are eating the right foods. As far as other healthy options like asparagus i find it is so bland and tasteless i could do with a cookery lesson alone to make them edible.

  29. Pumpkin seeds, they are so nice roasted and I put them into my home-made granola, my very favourite healthy food that I have been eating every morning for many, many years.

  30. Warm creamy porridge with some walnuts, sultanas & honey or cinnamon – what a wonderfully delicious way to start the day! My least favourite ‘healthy’ ‘foods’ are without a doubt vitamin/fish oil supplements, which are both pointless and a waste of a perfectly good chance to eat real food.

  31. My favourite would be seafood especially mussels – the ultimate fast food.

    My least favourite would be quorn and similar meat substitutes…although the beanfeast brand is an exception.

  32. Favourite healthy food is the almighty aubergine- it’s so delicious, versatile and low in calories! Lovely roasted with garlic, olive oil and a little fresh basil for the ultimate immune booster.

    Least favourite health foods are those nasty granola bars. They’re complete jokes anyway, pretty much entirely sugar!

  33. To pick a favourite food, healthy or not, is a problem for me – I love all food:-) Porridge is probably the one I could least manage without. Like many others I hated it for years and still can’t manage a bowl without my additions. I make it with museli mixed in (Lifeforce or Lidl museli at the moment), and throw in whatever fruit I have – pears, bananas, apples, berries (frozen work great), also seeds, dried fruit. I fill the bowl with water and some milk if I have it and throw it into the microwave for 5 mins.

    My least favourite healthy foods are eggs and turnips.

  34. Natural yogurt – eat it by itself / with fruit – or use in place of cream/sour cream for a healthier alternative!

  35. My fave healthy snack is Edamame – you can buy big bagsof them frozen in the Asia Market for about €2 and then just steam a handful for about 2 mins, sprinkle with salt and voila! Brill when you’ve still to make dinner but your staaarving! My least favourite is tofu – always ends up tasting funny, no matter what i do to it!

  36. My favourite food would have to be any kind of sea food especially crab meat. Not a lover of cooked Tomatoes or Olives.

  37. I Love Spinach, very yummy indeed. I secretly always imagine I am popeye when I eat it. Least favourite is broccoli, however I do eat it and am determined to find new and interesting ways of eating it.

  38. I’m a big salad fan. I love fresh colorful vegetables anytime of the year.

  39. My new favourite healthy snack is wasabi peas (tastes great washed down with a cold beer…making it only sort of healthy…)

    Not so favourite are goji berries…but I’m still trying them…

  40. favs – pine nuts, rocket, fruit, veg – dislike – bran, cabbage & celery!!

  41. I am addicted to those edamame beans

    Salt and Beer too – yum!

  42. So difficult to pick my favourite healthy food because I love all healthy foods – salads, vegetables, wholegrains…I could go on! For the sake of having to pick a fav I’ll say brown basmati rice.
    My least favourite….quinoa – an acquired taste to say the least!

  43. Faves: porridge, various beans, berries, fish.

    Least faves: lettuce

  44. Aubergines and courgettes are easily my favorites. They’re really versatile and always filling. In fact, any fresh veg, I’ll eat it raw, roasted, boiled, whatever. I always go for the veg first on my plate.

    As for least favorite: Goji berries. I find them gritty and grimey and they taste sort of like sickly cranberries. Hate hate hate.

  45. berries (raspberries/ strawberries/ blueberries etc) are the best! Mushrooms are disgusting… do you really think its healthy to ingest a fungus???

  46. My fave healthy food is tomatoes – no badness in dem 🙂 fave unhealthy food – cheese, brie mozarella, if its cheese i love it :)- best thing is the 2 together cheese and tomato on crusty bread bliss!!

  47. Favourite health food is quinoa especially as a substitute for rice and least favourite is salad in any way, shape or form

  48. A good steak and spuds! With carrots 🙂

    but usually if im felling lazy pasta with some chicken is lovely 🙂

    Unhealthy well probably Pizza! I was bold on Tuesday and had Dominos. Was very unhealthy and feel the cholesterol but it tastes so good!!

  49. My fav food – I absolutely love beans, berries & basil but hate brussel sprouts!

  50. my fav healthy food is breakfast – natural yoghurt, raw porridge oats(great way to get your oats for those who don’t like cooked porridge), bananna, 2 figs, few chopped brazil nuts, chopped grapes and rasberrie/strawberries/blurberries and a bit of honey if you fancy – yum yum yum andf teh optimum breakfast I was told

    Least favourite is all bran – like sawdust or what!! Above breakfast million times nicer and full of fibre