- a blog about food and value


  1. seems like a good idea, but they’ll need to expand their range of stock – not much there at the moment.

  2. We currently stock a about 200 product lines, this will be expanded to 400 very shortly. We only stock ambient goods (those with shelf life stored at room temperature) such as cleaning products, toiletries, canned foods, cereals etc.. perfect for stocking up your store cupboard.

    Although we do not have the wide range of products found in the supermarket, we do stock a heavily discounted option in a broad range of categories.

    For example; if you are looking for a kids toothbrush you will not find several brands only oral-b stages, at a price of € 1.54 ( Compare Dunnes € 3.09 ). If you are looking for hair gel we only stock Shockwaves Xtrovert for € 2.00 (compare Tesco € 5.29) etc.. etc.

    We spend time collecting up-to-date price comparisons with the supermarkets for every product so customers can see exactly how good the savings are.

    We are listening to our customers carefully, if there’s a product or category you would like to find in our store we can be contacted through the website. Please let us know.

    Thank you to all who have shopped with us so far (enjoy your bargains), we have had a few customers coming from (thank you cheapeats).