- a blog about food and value


  1. Curses, 68 was drawn, and mine was 86! I suspect that there was an error in the random generation as a thoroughly fair generator would not have drawn 2 numbers so close together, i.e. 66 and 68.

    But enough of my nerd rant, congrats to the winners c:

  2. I think I won?
    But I’m not sure?
    How do I know??

  3. @Jo-jo
    Yes, it was you, your comment was No. 66 on the competition page and there was only one Jo-jo so it must’ve been you 😛

  4. Thanks james – do you think I’ll get an email with details or just turn up on Sunday???

  5. You should have gotten an e-mail already by the sounds of it, as long as you posted the correct e-mail address.

  6. I didn’t receive an email though. I think I’ll contact the site directly. Thanks James – hope I’ve won!

  7. Hi Jo-Jo and other winners – I’ve sent you all an email with details of how to claim the prize. Enjoy!

  8. Hi James (Comment 1), I can assure you the random generator is testing fine 😉 Number 68 had my name on it! Don’t worry, every morsel of the prize will be savoured and enjoyed. We are gourmets!

  9. Hey James, don’t want to get into a nerd-off here, but I don’t agree at all about the random generator – if the numbers were spread out evenly, that wouldn’t be random at all but would be a pattern. There’s no reason why two numbers that are close to each other shouldn’t come up…happens all the time in the lottery, etc.

  10. Thanks do much Jean – enjoyed a lovely meal with my mam and sisters yesterday. Sara looked after us very well. Thanks again!

  11. is the Josephine that won the mother’s day competition another person hopefully it was not me because i received no notification