- a blog about food and value


  1. Certainly delicious, hardly a “cheap eat” though….

  2. I reckon this is a very cheap eat. A bag of frozen prawns will last for ages and cost relatively little. The most expensive item is the cheese, while the rest is just a bit of salad and tomatoes.

  3. What Peter said…and feta cheese is very cheap if you buy it in a halal shop rather than a supermarket (and much nicer as well)

  4. Oooo I love eggs in salad – I couldn’t live with Nicoise!

    Though I’m with you on everything else…!!

  5. I meant “without nicoise” of course!! :-/

  6. I love salads but I often find that the price of ingredients is very hipped…. 1 euro for 1 red pepper is ludicrous! I try to shop around and to make the most of what’s in season but Why oh Why can Holland produce so much veg and Ireland can’t? But that is another discussion….
    (loving the blog, great tips and info)

  7. I’m with you on the quality of the salads you get in coffee shops and restaurants. My own bugbear is the poor tomato, that is served all year round as a matter of course. It’s so far from ripe, it’s usually green around the edges. And why is the dressing always simply squirted on the leaves?