- a blog about food and value


  1. I once overheard one male talking to another male in a supermarket about how authentic pesto was made with pecorino rather than parmesan cheese to which the other replied, ‘just as long as the pine nuts are from southern Italy the cheese doesn’t really matter to me.’ True story

  2. How did I miss this article? Im in the middle of a middle class food woe myself. I know its out of season, but I cant find venison! Dunnes used to stock it. Anyone?

  3. Oh, and a phonecall from my brother once. “I adore bellinis but there are sooo not low GI.”

  4. claire .. where are you ?
    superquinn def have it sometimes.
    there is a butcher in terenure that is organic and advertises that he sells venison.

  5. Hey Claire, as a temporary substitute, M&S do venison burgers.

  6. They do? Oh great, thanks for the tip.

  7. Stopping off on a way to a wedding “down the country”, in a town whose name I forget, at the only bar/coffeeshop in the place, my companion asked first for a mocha, then for a latte and then when refused, simply for a cappuchino, to be told “we only serve regular coffee here” It was pretty funny. Coffee snobbery in Ireland? Plain ridiculous and plain wrong.