- a blog about food and value



  2. I love to read LoveFood Magazine and see some good offers but I would love a weekend at Temple Spa even better, oh whats bliss for a busy mum like me to be pampered.

  3. Would love a spa break…..just started a 9 month course of antibiotics so i really need some pampering 🙂

  4. Oh, would be sooo nice to win this.

  5. love this site. 😉

  6. A treat would be so sweet… thanks

  7. Pick me please! Thanks

  8. I think I descerve to go on this spa weekend away as I have never been on a spa weekend and think the Temple Spa would be the perfect spa to experience first.
    I’m currently the ONE and ONLY bread winner of the family. With this economic downturn I would love to have a little happiness in this doom and gloom 😉

  9. Just finished exams after three weeks, have not looked at myself proper in the mirror in about 2 months. Reckon a bit of pampering might do the trick…

  10. Just what i need after a horrible bout of tonsilitis!

  11. Your advertisemnet in Lovefood is working. It is the 1st time I have heard of Temple Spa.

  12. Emer O’Reilly! Would be fantastic to be pampered in such a beautiful hotel 😉

  13. Wow, what a great place – it’s my birthday on Thursday, nearly 60 so could do with some pampering to help me face up to the big one next year!!!!

  14. I’d love to win this for my Mom

  15. Looks really nice

  16. Overworked, finances chronic, this would be the perfect tonic!!!

  17. Please count me in. Thanks

  18. I would love this – please include me in the draw

  19. I would love to come and visit the moo cows! The bluest of Mondays has encouraged me to try my luck 🙂

  20. Amazing prize. Those massages sound blissful!

  21. just discovered your website.. Oh would welcome a stay in your amazing Temple Spa Hotel. Its intimate, family run and in a gorgeous setting. Just the fix to relieve stress, take in spa treatments and enjoy scrumptious food.

  22. Catherine Lyons

  23. Would love to win, could do with the break!

  24. been there before
    recommend it highly
    dying for a return trip

  25. I’ve always thought 528 was my lucky number!

  26. Turning 50 soon and just dreaming of what very special place to go…..

  27. Just what my sister and I need right now

  28. Would be a lovely treat, thanks to cheapeat….!

  29. Ive heard you have the WOW factor – would love to find out


  31. Ohhhh! This would go down a treat right now.

  32. Count me in, please…

  33. This sounds AMAZING!! I would really LOVE a relaxing break at Temple Spa with a magazine in my hand..
    Fingers Crossed 🙂

  34. Hi , first time on the website but it looks great and kills a few birds with one stone. so i’ll definitely be back.

    ps lovely looking spa break.

  35. the answer to my prayers – CheapEats and Temple Treats

  36. It looks so relaxing! I would love to win!

  37. Hi. The spa looks lovely. I have never been to a spa, but would love the opportunity. Thanks.

  38. Ooooooooooh, me want 🙂

  39. I have never been to a spa before!

  40. over hereeee!

  41. Im readily available.. pick me!

  42. Hi, i would love to be considered for this … thanks

  43. This prize sounds like absolutely heaven & would make me verrrry verrrry happy!! Good luck everyone!

  44. purely the Temple of the Gods – and I’m cleo patra…

  45. Had a fabulous time when we stayed there last year very relaxing and we would love the chance to exerience the same again. Thank you

  46. Would love the break – need time to relax and unwind with de hubby after a stressful year so far.