- a blog about food and value


  1. Good offer at M& S this weekend. Good weekend to have food for 4 with the Bank Holiday weekend.

  2. Mmmmm…. M&S food!

  3. Thanks for the pumpkin recipes.

  4. just found the sight and discovered E9 lunch deal in retaurant near me. Score!

  5. Congratulations for the 1000th. I save lots of time by checking the offers through you.

  6. congrats on a fab website.

  7. came across your sight for the first time today and like it alot. I love finding cheap tasty places to eat so I will be checking this site out again and again 🙂

  8. Congrats on reaching a milestone

  9. I really enjoy this site and check it daily.

    I like the restaurant reviews, and especially the links to the various supermarket specials.

  10. There’s a great mix of posts on here – recipes, hints and suggestions, reviews, and general banter. Always entertaining!

  11. Cant believe how much great info is on your site. Very helpful and easy to find all the news u need for dining out and staying over.

  12. I really enjoy cheapeats – for the recepies and to check out the latest meal deals going. thanks!

  13. Cheap Eats is listed in my Favourites. Don’t alter the site as it is working!!!

  14. CheapEats and M&S are the perfect partnership for Me
    compliments of both – I feel like a VIP
    Happy Birthday CheatEats – your site is one in a Million !

  15. Hi Cheapeats.

    Thanks for all the great tips, have certainly made my shopping easier and cheaper.

    kind regards,

  16. CheapEats is great – congrats on 1,000 posts!

  17. I love how CheapEats is Irish. Usually all info like this from the UK. It makes it easier to keep an eye on your wallet while also keeping good ethical standards.
    No ideas on how to improve, just keep up the good work 🙂

  18. Well done on your 1000 post- Great to see that a Quality company like M&S support you
    Keep up the good work

  19. I first found out about the Dine in for 2 for €12.50 offer in M&S on and have availed of that brilliant offer loads of times since. I also really like the way suburban restaurants are featured and not just ones in the city centre. With everybody watching their money these days is an essential site for anyone interested in good value for money food.

  20. cheapeats gives us tasty treats,
    m&s will gild the lily,
    all we need every day to save us lots of money

  21. Lovin’ Cheapeats – I’ve picked up loads of bargains because of this site, thank you!

  22. Love the info re. the offers and I hurry out and buy them

  23. What can I say that has not been said already!

  24. Really useful site with so many helpful tips. Saved me loads.

  25. Congrats on reaching this milestone and keep up the great work. One of my favourite sites and every visit makes me hungry.

  26. Great site for our times. Great hints and tips. Only thing I think is missing is pictures. The site would be more appealing if there was more pictures contributed by people and if there was more pictures on the main site.

  27. Here’s to your next 1000 posts!

  28. Great website…designed for the recession and one of the few bright spots in it. Keep up the good work!

  29. Anything that raises awareness of ‘Rip-Off Ireland’ is a good thing. Let the buyer beware!

  30. Full of foodie ideas, special offers and bargain meals out for the special occasions…

  31. nice one cheapeats, keep it up!

  32. Congrats on 1000 posts.

    What about some real-life consumer challenges? Get people (bloggers / readers) to live on a certain budget for a week, and blog about it – or eat out for a week on a certain budget.

  33. Congrats Cheap Eats 🙂

  34. pick me. me me me.

  35. Love the site, the Special Offers at the different supermarkets are very helpful.

  36. Ive only just recently discovered this site, but now check it everyday. Its brilliant, and something Ireland has been missing for a long time.

    You’re amazing, keep up your great ideas and work.

    (I’d love to see a student section, or blog about it,or some small article)

  37. If I won this, I could invite 7 friends for dinner and with a M&S €50 voucher, buy four of the €12.50 deals for two so party time!!!!

  38. Congrats on the 1000th pots, keep up the good work

  39. Hi All, I am really enjoying this website – am a newcomer!

    My suggestion would be if you could add in a new category for slimmers? I am trying to lose weight at the moment and get healthier and I could do with some recipes/advice/shopping tips etc.

    It such a big topic at the moment and is valid for all – Adults, Kids, Male or Female, Young or Old.

    Thanks for Reading!

  40. Love the site, keep up the good work. The special offers are a real time and money saver

  41. Well done on the 1000th posting anniversary. I find the site very useful.