- a blog about food and value


  1. Hiya – this offer is on every 2nd week…so once you know that you can be prepared! (Aunt works there so reliable information!)

  2. Thanks Gill! If you or your aunt ever want to tip us off, that would be very much appreciated. 🙂

  3. picked this up earlier on – a great offer (its been running every couple of weeks since around september). Place was jammed, so it’s obviously doing the business for them (though I wonder how much money they make on it…)

  4. Mustnt forget the bottle of wine included!!

  5. How quickly are the popular items restocked?

  6. Hi Aoife – very quickly in my experience. The last time I went in, it was after work and I expected the shelves to be bare, but they still had a great choice.
    The items are part of the normal range, just grouped together into this offer, so I’d imagine anything that isn’t sold is just put back into the normal stock – so they don’t seem to have limited quantities.

  7. Just wanted to add that I got the box of mint chocolates instead of a dessert and they’re absolutely delicious. I’ll be going back for more. Clever M&S. 🙂

  8. Hi…went to M&S Liffey Valley today and all items were gone and no more coming in, a lot of people were asking was there none left? Obviously v popular offer. Will go earlier when on again. Thanks for heads up on this one…