- a blog about food and value

CheapEats Easter Break

chocolate-easter-bunnyIt’s been a very busy and exciting few weeks here at CheapEats. We’ve been taken aback by the great feedback from our readers and the level of media attention that the site has had.

We’d like to thank everyone who has supported us so far. We plan to continue to offer a forum for good value food in Ireland and to offer a voice for all our commenters and readers – as well as a brand new initiative for restaurant owners. Stay tuned…

For now, however, we’re off to take a well-earned Easter break, forget all the dreary budget news, and eat copious amounts of chocolate and lamb. We’ll be back on Tuesday April 14 (if we can keep ourselves away from our baby until then). Happy Easter everybody!

From Peter and Jean

One Comment

  1. A bit late, but enjoy the long weekend. It looks like a sunny one, yippee!